Jan 26 2022 9:39AM

Newsletter - 1 League Messages

We are down to 5 teams. so there is a bye each week.

League Events
Unfortunately, the 2022 BC Provincials in Penticton has been cancelled for this year.
Unfortunately, the 2022 Canadians in Mississauga has been cancelled for this year.
Hopefully, the 2022 Westerns in Calgary will proceed as planned. Fingers crossed!!!

Our website is at http://eppa.pplms.ca/
Links are there to the CCS pages, where you can find the latest news
Also, if you want the weekly newsletter, send me your email address.

All fees will be submitted via etransfer to eppa@jennykayla.com.
You MUST enter the week the dues are for in the message.
Captains will send for the team.

Captain's phone and email
8 Ballers Wes 587-341-3315 wesadam1010@gmail.com
Ballznholes Jenny 780-966-0342 jenny@jennykayla.com
Dilligaf Tiffany 587-783-1992 tlabure1424@gmail.com
New Breed Johnathan 587-985-1526 arcandjohnny@gmail.com
Too Deadly Ally 780-996-0390 a.sleigh@hotmail.com

Make-up Matches
Any missed match will need to be made-up within 2 weeks
1) Arrange a date/time with both captains and the venue (can play anywhere that you agree to)
2) eTransfer fees-BE SURE TO INCLUDE the original play date
3) Email a photo of the scoresheet &/or bring to next regular play night


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