Jan 23 2021 1:10PM

Newsletter - 1 League Messages

Hello pool players,

Well here we are. As you know, the lockdown continues.

The current expectation is the Westerns in Calgary will continue as planned. That's for late April. Read for yourself http://www.cdnqsport.com/.

The big news is that only 2 weeks of play will be required. I haven't looked, but I think that means we can all play in that event. Check the newsletter to confirm that you have 10 games or more.

So, my big question for you all is this: Shall I payout what we have so far? Or hold on and hope for more play? Or something else?
Since we have not completed our season and will not have a final tournament, I will split the money evenly for all teams. I plan to eTransfer the money to the captains who can then distribute as they see fit.

Please talk it over with your teammates and provide me some feedback. Email me directly and I will see what the consensus is.

Stay safe and be well.



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